
megalon b+


A fuel additive for gasoline engines that has multifunctional properties. It acts as a cleaner and dispersant and has excellent protective properties against rust and corrosion. The application of Megalon B + has positive results not only in cleaning, but also in removing deposits on the intake valves, stabilizing the octane number of the fuel and protection against fuel freezing. It can be used in all types of gasoline and has been tested for conventional engines and turbo engines.


For new and older petrol engines and turbo engines.


For the first 200 liters of petrol, 30 - 40 ml of Megalon B + is applied for every 40 liters of petrol.

Další pravidelná aplikace:

Approx. 20 - 30 ml of Megalon B + for every 40 l of petrol.


500 ml, 5 l, 200 l

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