
megalon d+


Ingredient with the latest patented recipe. Megalon D + is added to diesel fuel with a comprehensive combination of the highest quality additives that will ensure full combustion of diesel with the minimization of pollutants. This additive dissolves carbon deposits and impurities, reduces imperfect combustion and significantly reduces the problem of "smoking" diesel engines and emissions. The additive is suitable for use in vehicles with or without particulate filters.


For new and older diesel engines.


For the first 200 liters of diesel, apply 30 - 40 ml of Megalon D + to every 40 liters of diesel to completely clean the fuel system.

Další pravidelná aplikace:

For every 40 liters of diesel, approx. 20 - 30 ml of Megalon D +.


500 ml, 5 l, 200 l

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