
megalon getriebe


Microceramic sliding compound (MKG - Mikrokeramisches Gleitcompound) designed for manual gearboxes in transport. It increases their service life as well as reliability and so-called "operational security". It requires less maintenance, reduces fuel consumption, electricity and noise. It reduces friction between the sliding parts of the components many times over by creating a compact metal-organic layer, thus creating a perfect protective "sliding shield". Significantly extends the life of gearboxes by reducing their wear by up to 50%.


For manual transmissions in automobile, ship, air and rail transport.


For the first application, it is advisable to use a concentration of 10% on the amount of oil. In heavy operations and in case of problems, we recommend a higher concentration, approx. 15%.


250 ml, 5 l, 200 l


3590,- CZK

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